Well last friday the 26th a group of us went down to the Niles Haunted House and had a wonderful time making fun of all the people who thought they were scary and at those who screamed the whole time..(B+..hehe). After that we stayed the night at Becca's Grandpas House and returned home on Saturday.
I went back to the Grimes Homestead and did one of those do it yourself truck bedliner kits. It actually turned our fairly nice, I still have some extra goop left over so I might go back over it again this weekend and see if I can't get it a little thicker.
More progress has been made on the barn we finally got the cement poored, the couplo on, the doors on and the trench dug for the electrical! Not much longer and dad will definetly be filling it up with "priceless" cars!
Sunday we attended the baptism of cousin Jennifers new baby (Zach) at St. Mary's in Paw Paw and then went back to Jeff and Lindas for some delicioso hamburgers and hotdogs! Thats about everything new that is going on here!
I will post some pictures of the barn and the ole truck bed..